The conference organisers are the International Association for Community Development (IACD), and Jeder Institue.
By registering as a presenter or delegate for the 2023 World Community Development Conference you give us permission to contact you about the conference, including events either side of the conference, post-conference evaluation and any future IACD Conferences and Events. Your information will only be used by WCDC2023, IACD and Jeder Institute for these purposes.
The Detail
The personal information you provide us will be used by the conference organisers to help organise and evaluate the 2023 World Community Development Conference.
The information you provide us on registration will not be shared with third parties except in the following necessary ways:
- Presenter name, e-mail address, institute, and presentation details will be published in the conference program, which will be distributed to all delegates and published online.
- Name, meal choices and dietary requirements will be given to any catering organisations used for the conference.
- Name and appropriate accessibility requirements will be disclosed to transport providers, accommodation and conference venues where assistance may need to be arranged.
- Name and e-mail address will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed about the planning of the conference.
- Name and e-mail address will be used for the purpose of administering the post event evaluation survey.
- Name and e-mail address will be held for the purpose of informing you of future conferences and events which might be of interest to you.
- By request of law enforcement agencies bearing a warrant for the detection and prevention of crime.
If your details change after registering for the conference, we encourage you to notify us of any changes by e-mailing so we can update your details.
You can request a copy of all details we have stored about you in relation to WCDC2023. Please e-mail with any requests for a copy of your records.
Information on IACD’s Privacy Policy can be found at